Oslo is the most expensive city in Europe

Oslo is the most expensive city in Europe

The most expensive city in Europe is the Norwegian capital Oslo, reported Economist Intelligence Unit. The most expensive cities to live are Tokyo (first in the ranking), followed by Osaka, Sydney, Oslo, Melbourne, Singapore, Zurich, Paris, Caracas and Geneva. For comparison, Oslo and Zurich took the first two lines in the same 2012 ranking.

For example, in Tokyo, 1 kg of bread costs in terms of the European currency 6.70 euros, a bottle of table wine capacity of 0.75 liters - 11.80 euros, a cigarette pack - 4.12 euros, a liter of petrol - 1.45 euros.

The world cheapest places to live are Tehran, Jeddah, Panama, Colombo, Algeria, Kathmandu, New Delhi, Mumbai and Karachi (1 kg of bread costs 1.30 euros, liter of petrol - 0.91 euros).

In Europe, Bucharestwas declared the cheapest city.