The opening of the new rail tunnel under the waters of Bosphorus that connected the European and Asian sides of Istanbul, has led to an increase in housing prices in some areas of the city, according to citing
Experts point out that the investment attractiveness of real estate and other buildings located near the stations of the new transport route has increased, which is bound to affect their value.
This is not strange, since the tunnel will ease the situation with traffic jams that make the inhabitants of Istanbul travel by metro and ferries.
An illustrative example is the Halkali district, located on the western edge of the European part of Istanbul, close to Ataturk Airport. Now the area has a direct access to the Gebze district on the Asian side of the city. If earlier such a journey took about three hours, now it takes only about a half an hour.
Recall that the first day of tunnel's work was not without force majeure. The outage of electricity occurred in the tunnel, and the passengers were forced to get to the exit to the surface on their own.