Last year, foreign ownership of summer cottages in Sweden climbed by 2,9% compared to the previous year, according to figures from Statistics Sweden. Overall, foreigners now own 35 045 Swedish summer homes and cabins, or about 6 percent of the overall stock.
Danes dominate the ranks of foreign owners of Swedish summer homes, with about 12 000 cottages. The next largest group of foreign owners is Germans, who own around 10 000 cabins scattered throughout Sweden's vast wilderness. However, the fastest growing group of foreign summer home owners in Sweden is Norwegians, Norwegian ownership of Swedish cottages has increased by nearly 35%, according to Statistics Sweden, and they now own around 9 000 cabins.
The largest share of cabins owned by foreigners, 40%, is located in Kronoberg - county in southern Sweden, and Värmland - county in western Sweden, where 20% of foreign-owned cottages located.
However, Strömstad in western Sweden and Ljungby in southern Sweden have the highest actual number of foreign-owned cottages, with 1 279 and 1 174, respectively owned by non-Swedes.