Statistics agency of Norway has recently published the information on change of prices for flats and houses in its annual and quarterly basis. The data compiled on the basis of the study of 27 083 transactions registered in Norway.
Compared to the previous quarter, Norwegian apartments rose in price by 3.4%. The annual growth rate was 1%. Small houses and mansions in the quarter have risen in price for 2,5% and 1%, respectively.
The most intensive growth of apartment prices was recorded in the regions of Oslo and Baerum, and in Northern Norway (4.4% and 4%, respectively). In Western Norway excluding Bergen, experienced the highest decrease in prices (-3,4%).
Apartments in Oslo and Baerum have demonstrated the most considerable growth of prices in annual term (+13.5 %.). And the price of houses and mansions during the year increased there by 11.8% and 11.2%.
In annual terms, the strongest reduction in the cost per square meter (-7,8%) was recorded in Stavanger.

Based on the materials of