Property for sale in Greece: 17394 real estate

17,394 offers from 371 sellers

among the many properties for sale in Greece, surely will one that it will match your demands. Jump to our list of 15094 verified listings real estate that we have compiled for you.

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Information for buyers

Real estate in Greece – what is going on?

Portfolio of property in Greece is today one of the most multifarious in the whole Europe. It includes wide range of residential buildings, business facilities and land plots for development. An economy recession combined with a national debt crisis had a profound impact on country’s real estate market and caused a pricing decline. Expert’s assessments differ when speaking about how property prices have dropped. An average index is between 35 and 50 percent of the peak prices of 2008.

Who are those buyers, purchasing Greece real estate?

Economic crisis significantly decreased the market capacity but also made some locals to put their real estate for sale as tax burden is rather big when you own more than one property. It’s currently a purely perfect buyers’ market where locals are selling property in Greece and foreigners are purchasing. Tourists industry feels pretty well there and holiday homes as well as related business objects are in demand. Restaurants and mini-hotels owned by foreigners are becoming a common practice.

Where to buy real estate in Greece?

The most expensive places are islands like Mykonos, Santorini and Crete, with the last being a very popular with the overseas buyers and sea-and-sun vacation fans. Halkidiki peninsula and Corfu are budget-friendly options of buying real estate in Greece. Athens Riviera combines sea holiday options with a business rhythm of capital city and may please those, looking for real estate for sale in Greece in locations with dynamic and cultural environment.

The truth about prices for property in Greece

The offers of property for sale in Greece start from €5,000. But that would be a basement one bedroom apartment in accordingly “cheap” condition. The more or less decent apartment offers start from €25,000- €30,000. For that price may be purchased a one bedroom flat in a coastal area. An average holiday detached house in Crete could be bought starting from €150,000. For that price future owner will get a 2-3 bedroom, located 2 km away from the beach house with a small land plot and a pool. Coastal areas are, of course, more expensive.

Greece to sum up

Bargaining of prices is pretty welcome especially in cases of so-called “fire sales” and buyers having cash in a wallet, are there like are kings. The EU residence permit in Greece is granted to buyers of real estate that worth more than €250,000.

Maintaining costs Documents & migration Mortgage Pricing review Purchasing procedure Taxes

News and articles about real estate

There’s no shortage of wonderful real estate for sale in Greece, and this country attracts buyers from around the globe wishing to grab their property here. If you too are intrigued by the prospect of having your own place here, then 15094 of the offers we’ve compiled from the entirety of Greece. Whether it’s countryside quaintness or a hustle and bustle of a city life or anything between you’re preferring, we have it all.