Who's buying real estate in France?

Who's buying real estate in France?

For last several years the buyer of real estate in France became older, and the average size of mortgages increased, accodring to ee24.com citing empruntis.com.

Young French now prefer to postpone the purchase of property for the future: from 2004 to 2013, the average age of borrowers has increased from 34 to 37 years old. It's especially true for the western and southern departments (39-years-old). In Ile-de-France, Parisian region, by contrast, buyers are younger (35-years-old).

The average proportion of equity (self-financing ) is 24% (€52 thousand). Every year, the French borrow more for the purchase of real estate. Now, this amount has reached €168,4 thousand, surpassing the record of 2010, when it amounted to €166,2 thousand.

Buyers of real estate in Paris borrow in average €302,7 thousand (though, with €160,7 thousand of internal resources), borrowers in other cities of the capital region receive €221,1 thousand, adding it to €78,6 thousand of own funds.
Home buyers on the Mediterranean coast, including the Côte d'Azur, usually request €177,6 thousand, adding them to their own €68,1 thousand.

In 2011 the term of payment was 20 years and 9 months, and today it's 19.5 years.