The French were proposed to rename the Death to Jews village

The French were proposed to rename the Death to Jews village

A representative of the Simon Wiesenthal Center from USA appealed to the administration of the Central District of France with a proposal to change the name of the village. According to Centre’s members, the village called Death to the Jews (La-mort-aux-Juifs), located in these area is anti-Semitic, but the administration and the municipality don’t plan to change the name of the village, fairly noting that it refers to the period of the Middle Ages and currently is not connected with any abusive meaning, informs

Shimon Samuels, one of the Centre’s directors, admitted that he was shocked to hear about the village existence. He was particularly stunned by the fact that the name went unnoticed by international organizations, taking into account the fact that France itself was severely affected by the fascist regime.

The French were proposed to rename the Death to Jews village | Photo 1 | ee24
La-mort-aux-Juifs, France

It should be noted that a case of changing village name took place in Spain not so long ago. However, it was initiated by the villagers of Castrillo Matajudios themselves. The last word is translated as "Death to the Jews". The new name – Hebrew hill was supported by most of the population of the village. Although they are very few – only 60 families.

Castrillo Matajudios was founded in the XV century, in times of the Inquisition. Jews had been living in Spain for several centuries, when in 1492 was issued a decree ordering them to leave the country under pain of death. Jews who risked to stay or delayed departure, were burned in the village. According to another version, made by the head of the village, it had been a zone safe for Jews, where they could live and work easily.

The French were proposed to rename the Death to Jews village | Photo 2 | ee24
French Death to the Jews village on the map

French Death to the Jews village has a similar story. This name appeared even earlier than the Spanish one. It dates back to the XI century and is associated with the Crusaders expulsion of Jews from the country. Prior to that, the village was called the Fortress near the Jews hill.

Request made by Simon Wiesenthal Center has been supported up by many world’s communities, including the nationalist – but only from the negative side. Opponents of Israel's actions in Gaza used the slogan "Death to the Jews" in their speeches.
