This June 335,000 people were registered in Estonian hotels, which is 6% more than last year. Growth was achieved thanks to foreigners and residents of Estonian cities, writes citing
The number of foreign visitors increased by 5% to 224,000, and of locals - almost by 6% and amounted to 111,000. Number of Germans increased by 13%. Despite the financial instability and sanctions, the flow of visitors from Russia increased by 10%. Number of tourists from Lithuania has grown by 6%, from Finland - by 5%, from the UK - by 4%. Number of Latvians has remained at the same level, while the number of Swedes and Italians has declined.
Occupancy rate in Estonia was poor: 49% rooms and 40% of beds were occupied. The cost of staying has increased by €1 to €34 per night.
Meanwhile, population of Estonia continues to decline. Over the past 10 years, the decline amounted to 40 thousand. Now there are 1,311,870 inhabitants living in Estonia.