Estonia is the most popular among foreigners country in the Baltics

Estonia is the most popular among foreigners country in the Baltics

The company Ernst & Young Baltic presented a study of European investment attractiveness. One of the conclusions of the study was the increasing interest of foreign investors in Estonia. By 19% compared to last year. At the same time in other Baltic countries foreign investment has decreased: in Lithuania — by 7%, in Latvia — by 50%.

In the ranking of countries on the projects created by foreign investors, Estonia for two years has risen from 29 to 25 place. And in the ranking of created jobs - from 30 to 29th place. In Estonia, they created 443 jobs in Latvia - 290, and in Lithuania - 1,717 vacancies.

The study argues that, despite the difficulties in the European economy, foreign investment across Europe fell by only 2.8%. At the same time, foreign investors have created is 8% more jobs than last year — 170,434. 

Summing up, Ivar Kiygemyagi of the company Ernst & Young Baltic, notes that investors are optimistic about the future of Europe and expect a long recovery process, rather than on the collapse of the European Union.