Island where Aphrodite came up out from the sea foam, attracts Russian buyers of houses for holiday for almost twenty years. Cypriots today proudly recall how they were the first European developers and realtors to come in a remote, cold and incomprehensible Moscow of the early – mid 90s looking for partners and establishing business and friendship relations. And the Russians responded – they came on a sunny Cyprus as tourists and clients.
They come today as well: according to official statistics, in recent years are more buyers from CIS countries than Cypriots themselves. Many acquire new roots on the island and a new home and Cyprus seems to have become one of the countries where the real estate "is chosen by heart", that means, if you really want to call this place home, you’ll do that despite the crisis, prices decrease and expert’s forecasts. When listening to stories of sophisticated travelers, currently are pictured happy owners of houses and apartments. What is the mystery of such affection? First, Elena for many years came to Cyprus in the summer "to graze", as they say, children.

"My family in half with friends rented villa and a car and spent 1-2 months here. Sea is great; wherever you go in Cyprus service is always on top. Not only service but everything here works accurately, although the local population are the Greeks and they, as we know, are neither punctuality nor fond of order. I think it’s all about the thing that before the 60s of the last century Cyprus had been a British colony, hence are left-hand traffic at the roads and in the legislation of the country – these are the British models. That order and clarity combined with Mediterranean colour attracts with doubled force," says Elena.
Having experienced the island as tourists and tenants, a few years later Helen and her husband decided to become homeowners here. According to her, when choosing a home they departed from Russian standards: they unconventionally took a villa in the mountains, but not within a walking distance from the beach. "It’s the British version. Or German", laughs Elena. "There are no Russian neighbors around - only the Europeans."

View from Elena's house in Cyprus
Stone house, with a fireplace and two floors. Ultimately price tag has not exceeded €400,000. Transaction took about two months and it is a good schedule for Cyprus.
"Mountains, in principle, are cheaper than the water's edge. But here is a stunning view to the sea and the town of Paphos as well. The sea is 15 minutes away by car along a serpentinous road. That is not a problem, especially because the house has a great pool – shared with neighbors, and orange grove near, and olive one a bit far. Moreover, here is cooler and this is important as, for example, this year we will take elderly parents for vacation", says Elena.
In recent years in Cyprus you can often hear Russian language from the mouth of the locals: language in which speak so many tourists and so many buyers, the Cypriot Greeks began actively teach in schools and colleges. It’s obvious that they needed it for business, but visitors from Russia still feel pleased.
Text: Julia Lozovskaya, especially for