Gérard Depardieu have bought a pied-à-terre in Belgium

Gérard Depardieu have bought a pied-à-terre in Belgium

This is a great Belgian newspaper that reveals Gérard Depardieu's plans .

According to Le Soir, the actor purchased a property in Néchin, a village near the Belgian border and Roubaix, where there are already many wealthy French expatriates

"One thing is certain: on Monday the actor and French businessman made a detour in Estaimpuis to sign with a notary documents concerning buying a property in Néchin," said the Brussels daily.

The same day, the actor was spotted in a chic restaurant in the same region.

In spite of a great love of Belgian mountain air, the main reason of Gérard Depardieu’s depart is amendments in tax legislation.

The Belgian tax legislation is less exacting than French: no luxury tax or capital gains tax and inheritance tax are lower than in France. "Depardieu, after well fed (in every sense) on the back of the French, going into exile in Belgium to escape the tax!"

The Belgian daily parallels between Depardieu and billionaire Bernard Arnault, who asked to become Belgian in early September.

Most experts agreed that the head of the luxury empire LVMH had this approach because of political reasons and tax, despite his denials.