No to smoking, mobiles and perfume! "Allergy friendly house" is popular in Zurich

No to smoking, mobiles and perfume! "Allergy friendly house" is popular in Zurich

At Rebenweg in Leimbach, suburb of Zurich, 12 of 15 apartments located in a special house designed for people with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) syndrome are occupied. Smoking, perfume and mobile phones are prohibited there as people are very sensitive to smells and the electromagnetic emissions, says with reference to the European media.

The has already written about this unique house in December 2013, when it was put into operation thanks to Healthy Life and Living Foundation efforts. It was occupied almost immediately. According to recent reports, about 5,000 people in Switzerland suffer from MCS – incurable disease.

"Allergy friendly house" cost €5 million ($6.9 million), and city authorities have emitted interest-free loans and land. Innovative building’s apartments, elevators and hallways are equipped with charcoal filters. There is a special room where one may leave outerwear, but electricity, satellites, antennas and mobile phones are almost absent.