Government of Madrid and the Metropolitan Authority hastily sells his property, reports citing El Confidencial.
Three weeks ago the two houses on Gran Vía were sold at an auction at a price much higher than the starting one. At the same time, four other objects that also were put up for sale, did not find buyers. The city authorities hope to sell them on the new express auction, for which the cost of facilities was reduced by 15%.
All four buildings are office centers wuth the average yield of 6-10 %. The condition of the deal is that after the sale, the Madrid government will lease the buildings for five years.
Altogether will be sold: the building of the Agency for Informatics and Communications on the street Embajadores, 181, valued at €18 million offering the yield of 8.51%, the Subsidiary registry building on Via Lusitana, 21, for €16.7 million with 9.71% yield, two floors of the building of the General Directorate of consumption, located at General Díaz Porlier, 35, valued at €11.1 million and a yield of 6.16%, and finally the building of the General Directorate for gambling on the Zurbano, 56, worth €1.34 million and a yield of 9.05%.
Bids for the auction are accepted until two o'clock in the afternoon on December 10 at the headquarters of the rental services and development of the Autonomous Community of Madrid (ARPROMA). To participate in the auction will need to provide a deposit of 2.5% of the initial value item results will be announced on December 13.