Recently portal wrote about properties foreigners prefer to buy in Spain. But who exactly buys it? It turns that major foreign investors come from the UK, France and Russia.
According to the Registradores de España, in Jan-Sep 2013 the Britons have acquired 3,965 properties in Spain, the French - 2,678, and the Russians - 2,414. Foreigners have made 26,751 purchasings, a little less than in a whole year 2012 (26,871).
Total number of transactions with real estate in Spain has reached 256,586 to September. Thus, the share of foreign investors accounted for about 10.4%, and this figure increased (compared with 9% and 8.3% in the pre-crisis years 2006 and 2007, with minimum interest of 4.2% in 2009 and with 8.1% last year). At the same time, the converse conclusion is also true: the share of Spanish buyers is decreasing.