5-story wooden building was built in Spain

5-story wooden building was built in Spain

Altermateria has completed the constuction of a five-story building in the center of the Lleida (pop. 140 thousand), Catalonia, Spain. It has become the tallest wooden apartment building in Spain, according to ee24.com.

Wooden panels from Austria are of high quality and low price. Construction of a sq.m costs €940. The building has nine apartments with an area ranging from 47 to 60 sq.m. Each flat is equipped with a ventilation system and underfloor heating. Project's architect Ramon Llobera Serentill explains that the wooden panels' high insulation  saves the energy consumption for heating .

The building is highly competitive with its neighbors. Wooden panels are damp-proof. They will not be damaged by pests: building materials have been treated with biocides . Designers have even considered the possibility of a fire by constructing a building in a way that slows the spread of fire.

Spaniards often demonstrate innovative approaches in construction: they've recently built the mobile house, the igloo, and even the skyscraper with no elevators. However, the latter rather belongs to the category of curiosities .