In this tourist season, the number of Russians visiting Montenegro will drop by 20-25%. Main culprits are Russian President Vladimir Putin and the downfallen ruble, writes citing
Dragan Ivanchevich, Head of the Tourism Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, said that the country would miss travellers because of Putin's call not to go abroad, but to the Crimea. In addition, this summer not all ordinary Russians will be able to afford to go to travel to Montenegro: ruble has depreciated by 25%.
We have already mentioned that in an attempt to keep the number of foreign tourists at the same level, the tourism industry of Montenegro decided to promote itself to the Belarusian market. But these efforts are not enough and according Ivanchevich crisis can only be overcome by reducing the prices for accommodation in hotels.
The impact of political and economic upheavals on the demand for housing in Montenegro is difficult to predict in advance. However, experts interviewed see no reasons to worry: they are sure that the interest of Russians will increase or remain the same.