Revenues from tourism increased in Montenegro last year

Revenues from tourism increased in Montenegro last year

Last year, revenues from tourism in Montenegro rose by 3% to €721 million. Positive dynamics persists for several years in a row, reports citing

In 2013 the country was visited by 1.5 million tourists (+3.6%), who spent 9.4 million nights (+2.8%). Representatives of the Ministry of Development and Tourism noted that the flow of holidaymakers in Montenegro was uneven throughout the year: 68% of tourists came in the summer months, and the remaining 32% in other seasons.

The vast majority of foreign tourists were Russians and citizens of the former USSR (89%). They usually leave more money than the others: the average time of stay of foreigners in Montenegro was 6.3 days, and of Russians - 8 days.

Not surprisingly, that after visiting Montenegro many of Russians want to come again and stay in this country. Igor Zhukov, director of the group of companies Territory of Montenegro, said to, that when property in Montenegro had gone up in value, buyers from Britain, Germany and Hungary had left the market. "Today aproximately 80% of buyers are ethnic Russians, although by the nationality they are Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs and so on".