Germany's population is aging rapidly, and there is a serious lack of houses and apartments that are adapted to the needs of older people. Portal has found out what people need after retirement, and how this is related with real estate, based on the material of
Elevator, wide doors for wheelchair, barrier-free kitchen and bathroom are the minimal needs of a person in old age. Barrier-free environment, which includes all of the above conditions, is created only in 800 thousand of 41 million homes in Germany. It's only 2%. Developers also do not pay much attention to the elderly: not more than 6% of new apartments can satisfy their needs.
It is not so difficult to rectify the situation and to sell or lease real estate in Germany to the elderly. Researchers estimate that a square meter, built in accordance with their requirements, is worth 5 times more than the modernization of the existing square meter. By 2020 there will be a need for 3 million of such apartments, and by 2060 the number of pensioners (65+) will increase from the current 21% to 34%.