Apartment in a former Estonian KGB was sold for a record price

Apartment in a former Estonian KGB was sold for a record price

In August of 2013 a record deal was signed  in Estonia. One of the apartments in the former building of the Estonian KGB on Pagari Street in Old Tallinn was sold for €1,115,113. At the moment this is a record amount for which  an apartment in Estonia was ever purchased, informs portal ee24.com.

Siim Simpson, an analyst at Pindi Kinnisvara, notes that even during the economic boom such big transactions were extremely rare. The flat with area of 243 sq.m. was sold at the price of €4,581 per square meter.

Recall that ee24.com already reported that the building, which used to be the headquarters of the Estonian KGB, was renovated and converted to residential real estate.

Phото: wikipedia.org