House where Dickens lived and collected stories for "Oliver Twist" is for sale

House where Dickens lived and collected stories for "Oliver Twist" is for sale

An apartment on 22 Cleveland Street in Bloomsbury, London, related with Charles Dickens, is on the market for £760,000. This is where the classics of world literature lived twice: first, as 3-year old boy with his parents in 1815, and then as a teenager in 1828-1831, when he began to work as reporter in the local newspapers, informs the

House where Dickens lived and collected stories for Oliver Twist is for sale | Photo 1 | ee24
2-roomed apartment, where Charles Dickens lived is for sale for £760,000

House where Dickens lived and collected stories for Oliver Twist is for sale | Photo 2 | ee24
Memorial plaque on the house on 22 Cleveland Street in London

House where Dickens lived and collected stories for Oliver Twist is for sale | Photo 3 | ee24
The writer Charles Dickens

It is believed that this house was Dickens’ inspiration behind the story of Oliver Twist, as it was close to the workhouse.

House where Dickens lived and collected stories for Oliver Twist is for sale | Photo 4 | ee24
Apartment on Cleveland Street in London, where Charles Dickens lived. Photo made in 1900

House where Dickens lived and collected stories for Oliver Twist is for sale | Photo 5 | ee24
Workhouse on Cleveland Street, which inspired Dickens to write stories about Oliver Twist, according to literature specialists

Small apartment on the second floor is in the Bloomsbury district that is the traditional center of intellectual London’s life, in the southern part of the Borough of Camden. Its future owner will get wooden floors, double-glazed windows, spacious living room and one bedroom. The property is located in the Fitzrovia quarter not far from Soho and the Regent’s Park.

House where Dickens lived and collected stories for Oliver Twist is for sale | Photo 6 | ee24

House where Dickens lived and collected stories for Oliver Twist is for sale | Photo 7 | ee24


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