In Southend and Basingstoke recorded the highest growth rates in 2012

In Southend and Basingstoke recorded the highest growth rates in 2012

At the end of 2012 the highest growth in property prices in theUKrecorded inSouthend-on-SeaandBasingstoke, reports Property Wire. Both cities are located at a convenient distance fromLondon.

Southend-on-SeainEssexwon first place in the annual survey of prices conducted byHalifax. Average price of property inSouthend-on-Seahas increased by 14.8% compared with 2011, an increase of 12 months from £ 172782 to £ 198418. Average housing prices inEssexincreased by 2.1% for the year.

The second-largest increase in house prices recorded inBasingstokein Hampshire (14.7%). In other suburbs ofLondon(Rochester,St AlbansandDartford) also recorded a decent price increase.

The worst performance recorded outsideEngland. In Craigavon inNorthern Irelandprices fell in 2012 by 18.4%, in Wishaw inScotland- by 12.5%.