At the end of 2012 the highest growth in property prices in theUKrecorded inSouthend-on-SeaandBasingstoke, reports Property Wire. Both cities are located at a convenient distance fromLondon.
Southend-on-SeainEssexwon first place in the annual survey of prices conducted byHalifax. Average price of property inSouthend-on-Seahas increased by 14.8% compared with 2011, an increase of 12 months from £ 172782 to £ 198418. Average housing prices inEssexincreased by 2.1% for the year.
The second-largest increase in house prices recorded inBasingstokein Hampshire (14.7%). In other suburbs ofLondon(Rochester,St AlbansandDartford) also recorded a decent price increase.
The worst performance recorded outsideEngland. In Craigavon inNorthern Irelandprices fell in 2012 by 18.4%, in Wishaw inScotland- by 12.5%.