Ranking of countries with the largest number of millionaires

Ranking of countries with the largest number of millionaires

It is named the countries with the large number of families with assets more than $1 million. World leaders are the United States (5.9 million wealthy families), Japan (1.5 million) and China (1.3 million). All in the world in 2012 were 13.8 million wealthy households (0.9% of all households in the world), reported the American firm Boston Consulting Group. Russia is rated 13th place (180,000 families).

The study also refers to the number of families with assets more than $100 million. The United States (3,016 families), UK (1,001) and China (851) are leading in this list. Russia takes the 11th position (328 families). The richest regions in the world are North America and Western Europe.

The biggest number of millionaires per capita is in Qatar (14.3% of the total population), Switzerland (11.6%), Kuwait (11.5%), Hong Kong (9.4%) and Singapore (8.2%) .