Million Britons can not move to new homes

Million Britons can not move to new homes

In 2004, the forecast Barker Review argued that England should build 210 thousand homes annualy to meet the demand. In fact during the last ten years about 115 thousand homes and apartments a year have been built. It turns out that for this period at least a million Britons have been unable to move and improve their living conditions, according to citing

The slow pace of construction in the UK lead to a lack of offers and to the artificial increase in property prices. The high cost of property in the UK affects the increase in rents.

Kate Barker, author of the report made a decade ago, says that the costs are borne by the population. Now it is vital to increase the number of proposals and develop a coherent policy on overcoming consequences of the deficit of supply.

We recall that two weeks ago, Mayor Boris Johnson has also called to increase housing construction in London, instead of to limit sales to foreigners.