InLondon, a couple of designers turned an old water tower of the XIX century in an elegant apartment. Until recently the tower was abandoned. The last time there life was in full swing when Charlie Chaplin made the film about workhouse.
Now in the old tower are four bedrooms and a rooftop terrace overlooking the expensive real estate inLondon. Go up, you can use the elevator, attached to the tower. The construction of a steel tank topped where designers Leigh Osbourne and Graham Voce cut through the holes and insert the black glass, which are almost invisible from below. Thus, the historic character of the building, entered in the Grade II, has been saved.
Water Tower is located in the former Lambeth workhouse and hospital in centralLondon. The tower built in 1877 is 99ft tall with 5ft-thick walls. The building looks like thetowerof St. Mark's in Venice in the Gothic style.