British tips. How to sell a house in 24 hours

British tips. How to sell a house in 24 hours

The process of buying property in the UK, as in any other country, may take many months. Each house in London has between 7 to 10 potential buyers, but the farther away from the big cities, the less are possibilities. experts give a dozen tips for those who want to sell a property in 24 hours, writes

Necessary to prepare the house and make high-quality photos. Up to 2% of the asking price can be spend to de-clutter: you have to clean the carpets, hang beautiful curtains, buy the flowers and to hire beautiful furniture.

An important factor is the price. It is not always necessary to go to the realtor, who assesses house by several thousands more than the other agent does. Long process of sale and the maintenance of real estate for a few more months will cost you more than the difference in price. In addition to finding a buyer through a realtor, you should also inform all your friends, including in social networks, about the intention to sell the house.

Before visits you should get rid of large trees outside. Especially, if the trees grow close to walls: no one will buy a house out of fear for the future of walls and the foundation. Attention should also be paid to other objects in the garden. Firepit for adults, playground and tree house for children will put your garden beyond competition.

Finally, take care of all the documents and title deeds need in advance. Lack of documentation is the most common reason for delaying the sale.