Overseas property buyers are indifferent to the Eurozone crisis

Overseas property buyers are indifferent to the Eurozone crisis

According to the quiz conducted by The Overseas Guides Company: overseas property buyers are "indifferent to a considerable degree" to the economic recession.

36% of responders did not change their preferences to buy property abroad. Only 16% of responders said they decided to put off the purchase to the moment when the world economic situation improves, 4% declared that they were looking for alternatives to capital investment in property, including markets of emerging countries not the Eurozone countries.

The same quiz showed that more than 70% of potential overseas property buyers buy housing for cash without mortgage.

"These facts paint for us a clear portrait of the typical overseas property buyer - a financially wealthy person of retirement age, who is looking for relatively inexpensive (by his standards) accommodation, where he can calmly enjoy a quiet and measured life, that he can`t do for example in the UK, "commented Richard Wei, CEO of Guides company.

"Instead of relying on financial support from outside, whether it is a mortgage, loans or benefits, this group of customers is practically immune to a typical chain reaction of the debt crisis affecting the quality of life of the local population in many Eurozone countries".

Source: http://analitika.zem.ru/text/4668/