Realtors' funny stories

Realtors' funny stories

Real estate agents have to visit many homes and interact with a large variety of people. Behavior of some of them casts doubt on their adequacy. The most interesting stories of the agents are in the review.

A friendly ghost

Agent named Richard recalls that once met the hostess, who claimed that under the same roof with her lives a ghost. Richard could not believe the lady, but she tried to convince him that the ghost is very friendly and appears only when the hostess takes a bath.

A strange diver

Once Paul had dropped the car keys in the pool area of the house he was showing a potential buyer. In the absence of a net, the agent does not find anything better than to send the customer to the next house, to undress and dive for the keys himself. Can you imagine what strange footage the surveillance cameras filmed.

A British jigsaw massacre

Peter showed the interiors of the luxurious mansion to a family with a little son. The master bedroom had a secret door leading to a small refuge, used in case of unforeseen circumstances. The child entered there and locked from the inside. The agent had to take a jigsaw and cut out the door himself.

Voyeurs by chance

Once Simon had to show a client a house, offered for sale , but could not get through to the hostess. Then he went to show without approval. When Simon and the buyer inspected the house and went up to the roof, the following picture opened to their eyes. The hostess was lying completely naked in a deck chair and listening to music on headphones. Fortunately, she did not notice them, and voyeurs by chance thought it would be best to quietly get out.

Unflappable son

Lokhi led the buyer and his prim wife to view the house where the couple with a teenager son lived. The client and his wife greeted the hosts and their son. And then something embarrassing happened. Client's wife looked into the room, the door of which was ajar. It turned out that the door is a toilet in which the son of the house owners was sitting and reading "comics." Unhappy woman stunned in surprise and impudent lad calmly said: "Hello again." He obviously didn't not want his parents sold the house.

This awkward moment

Jonathan performed the evaluation of a very unusual fashion house, which has a blue-white plush carpet. And all went well, until then, until it was this awkward moment when you can not just not befoul a pure white carpet. Agent dropped a pen, which crashed to the floor and formed a hefty ink blot, clearly visible on a white background. He had to confess and made an assessment of the object free.

Shameless mother

It was a serene summer day when Serena demonstrated a house to the woman and her son. In the courtyard there was a swimming pool. Woman was interested in the pool and asked whether the tiles in it are natural. Then she asked for permission to independently verify the pool. Serena, of course, was very surprised, but did not discourage. And then the woman unceremoniously thrown off all her clothes and left only in underwear jumped into the pool. Her son was no less embarrassed than Serena, and the woman did not buy that house.

A big game fishing

Roseanne sold a house with a wide pond in the backyard, which was inhabited by six ornamental koi. The new owner wanted to eliminate the pond and ordered agents to get rid of the fish. An attempt to attach the carps to a zoo shop failed, but they were smartly snapped up at a charity auction, bringing about €250. Agent and her friend had to catch carps for two hours.

A prize cremation

James Dean once came to the estimation procedure, and left it with a recently deceased dog of the owners of the house, and took it for cremation in one of the local nurseries.

A tricky Chen

Jonathan tried to catch a dead goldfish and fell into the pond. But it was not terrible, as he had to play the role of host and owner of the house, so he met the clients in shorts, T-shirt and flip-flops on bare feet.

Text: Kirill Ozerov,, according to The Telegraph