Foreign investments in Bulgaria are decreasing. In this regard, the Parliament is discussing a draft law, according to which the lower threshold of investment necessary for obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria can be reduced. Now foreigners applying for residence in Bulgaria, need to acquire real estate in the amount of €306,000. Soon that amount will reduce by 6 times - up to €51,000.
The portal «Russian Bulgaria» reports that representatives of the migration Directorate Moi support this legislative initiative. Indeed, the owners of Bulgarian square meters spend a lot of time in the country, then spend their savings and, therefore, it is extremely useful for the economy.
The bill contains another remarkable norm – an alien who has received permanent residence in Bulgaria may become a full citizen of the country, investing around €510,000 in one of the Bulgarian companies or increasing his investments up to €1 million.
Against the bill are the deputies of the Bulgarian socialist party, who believe that such changes can lead to an influx of migrants from "risky" countries.
According to the materials of