Electricity in Bulgaria is 2,5 times more expensive than in the US

Electricity in Bulgaria is 2,5 times more expensive than in the US

Bulgarians spend for electricity 2,5 times more money than US residents and 59% more than EU residents. And this energy is consumed irrationally. This is stated in the report of the Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies, according to ee24.com citing "Bulgaria today."

Bulgarian plants and factories have to pay for electricity 3,8 times more than American industrial companies, 2,1 times more than businesses in other EU countries and 58% more than plants in Russia .

It's surprising that having such high prices, Bulgarian households and businesses altogether spend 4,47 times more energy than they do in other EU countries. According to experts of the Association, this situation can be overcome by increasing the energy efficiency and using renewable sources of energy.

It is worth noting that despite the high electricity cost, housing prices and consumer goods are among the cheapest in Europe.