The Dutch, Czech and Russian - are the main investors in Bulgaria

The Dutch, Czech and Russian - are the main investors in Bulgaria

The Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) has reported that the foreign investments in Bulgaria for the first five months of 2013 decreased by 45% to € 505,4 mln or 1.2% of GDP in Bulgaria. In comparison, during the same period of 2012, Bulgaria received foreign investments worth € 933,2 mln or 2.4% of GDP.

In May 2013 €85.8 million was invested in Bulgaria, while in May 2012, on the contrary, €135.8 million was derived out of the country. 

From January to May 2013 most of the money invested in the economy of Bulgaria came from the Netherlands (€254.9 million), the Czech Republic (€67.1 million) and Russia (€45.5 million). At the same time, the withdrawal of capital from the country took place. Most funds were withdrawn to Germany (€29.7 million) and France (€6.5 million).

In May 2013 the Bulgarians living outside the country, sent €80.7 million to relatives and friends living in Bulgaria. Since the beginning of the year this figure is €348.2 million, however, as the official statistics record only bank transfers in excess of the amount of BGN 5,000, the actual amount of money that was placed in the Bulgarian economy is much higher.