Bulgaria is decreasing by 23,000 sq.m per year

Bulgaria is decreasing by 23,000 sq.m per year

The area of ​​Bulgaria is 110 994 sq.km, but the Black Sea and the Danube each year take away 23,000 sq.m of land. This is a negligible amount, but still noticeable, given that the sea takes away the choicest lands, located on the coast, reports ee24.com citing newsbg.ru. 

Property in Bulgaria by the sea can be bought without a shadow of a doubt. Scientists claim that the beaches will go under water only when the sea level is increased by 1 meter. Professor Veselin Peychev say that in a worst case sea will take away 100 meter coastline in 100 years. 

Meanwhile, we have already reported that the Bulgarian islands on Danube "migrate" to Romania, and the scale of the disaster is not measured in hectares, but in thousands of hectares.