In Estonian real estate market is growing popularity for holiday homes

In Estonian real estate market is growing popularity for holiday homes

If during the crisis, interest in holiday homes in the property market almost came to nothing, now things are revived. Mostly as a customer advocate young families and retirees, who are interested in giving year-round use, writes Rus.ERR.

Chairman of the Board Pindi kinnisvara Peep Soomaa said to Vikerraadio, that this spring demonstrated especially vibrant activity in the property market.

"In 2012 there were much more transactions in this market, than two or three years ago. In some kind property is a commodity essential and homes are luxury commodity. In difficult years, primarily to cut spending on luxury items. Plans to invest in the purchase were delayed, but this year, consumers’ confidence has increased", – said Soomaa.

The most popular are holiday homes near the water. Their value, which starts from 10,000 euros and ends in around 100 000 euros, depends on the size of the site, its resources and its distance from the water.
