Popular suburban locations in Finland

Popular suburban locations in Finland

According to the Statistics Centre of Finland the largest number of cottages last year was built in Etalä-Savo. Among municipalities most popular became Kittilä, Kuusamo, Parainen.

The number of building cottages in Finland is slowly declining. Last year there were 3600 new built cottages, while during last 10 years, the number of ready built cottages in the country were not below 4 000 in average.

Värsinais-Suomi is a leader in the number of built cottages today - 48 600 are on sale on the real estate market. The second and third places take Etalä-Savo and Pirkanmaa – 45 000 cottages on sale. The most populous by vacationers’ municipalities is Parainen. Around 8 000 cottages. And around 6 000 cottages in Kouvola, Kittila, Kuusamo, Raasepori, Salo.

According to experts, in the near future are expected cottages price increase.


Source: http://urbanland.ru/2012/06/04/populyarne-dachne-mesta-finlyandii/