More investment in Cyprus real estate

More investment in Cyprus real estate

Cypriots are well known for their heartfelt and genuine hospitality. This is the only reason why more and more investors are wanted to invest in Cyprus these days and this is the fact which has said by many of the real estate experts. Investors are now very much clear that it is not a place to attract tourists but the warm welcome they show is a big part and plays a major role in their tradition.

The Famous Sales Manager from Europe, James Dearsley from Atlas International also said that this is the major factor which attract the investors consider this island other than thinking of their traditional dishes and family values. Before going there, investors learn the meaning of two words Kalosorisate and Kopiaste which means welcome and come join us respectively as these phrases come from their heart.

He also said that the Cyprus Island is best place to travel around and when they visit they also got the opportunity to swim and ski on the same day. It has also been revealed that flight services to this Island have increased these days because many property buyers want to buy the property there and for the convenience of their commuting these services has increased.

It has been observed that the number of foreign buyers in Cyprus in 2011 was more as compare to the 2009 graphs. According to the Property Price Index, residential prices for apartments fell by 2,7% and that of house has decreased up to 1% whereas the average rent values come down by 3,1%. It has also been concluded that most of the registrations was done in the month of October.

The Main reason of this increasing investment rate in Cyprus is day by day decreasing in the value of the properties and they are aware that the property rates will definitely go high in future. It has been said that after facing a hectic years of price fall down in some regions people are still thinking that the Cyprus Real Estate price will not fade. But the prices in urban areas was decreased a t increasing rate during the second half of 2011.

Apart from all these things, experts has said that country's favorable climate and amazing lifestyle will definitely prove to be alluring and attract the investors. Not only this, a large number of the homeowners in the country are trying to take all the advantage of this excellent offer of low prices.

