Turkey returned to the top ten most affordable places to buy a property for recreation. Accommodation in Turkey is cheaper than in other popular destinations, such as Cyprus, Greece, Egypt, Orlando (Florida, USA), Malta, Italy and France, reported themovechannel.com referring to the Post Office's annual holiday price comparison survey.
"The fact that you can still buy a new apartment in a suburb of Istanbul less than £ 60,000 is a real fact, given that the city is a cultural and commercial center and has great potential due to the Master Plan 2023," - said Julian Walker, director at Turkish property specialist Spot Blue.
Istanbul, where the largest world airport is constructing, claims to host the Olympic Games in 2020. In addition, Turkey has risen to sixth place from seventh in the number of international tourist arrivals, according to recent United Nations World Tourism Organisation report. The Mediterranean destination of Antalya was in UNWTO ranking as one of the five most popular tourist destinations in the world, along with Paris, London, New York and Singapore.