In the last ten years, the interest of foreign investors in the real estate market in Turkey is growing - today on average per year are made about 25 thousand deals with foreign buyers.
The optimistic forecast of the Turkish experts suggests that the number of transactions could increase to 60,000 annually. At the same time, analysts are concerned that Turkey may follow the way of the UK: increasing the participation of foreign capital in the local real estate market, there is a risk to make real estate less affordable for local residents.
In this regard, more profitable are those purchases, which are made by foreigners "for itself", for summer stay, for family vacation, rather than investment projects (for resale, for rental) which can imbalance real estate market of the country.
In the last two years, Turkey has achieved high rates of economic stability, with an annual GDP growth of about 4%. The main center of attraction for investors is still Istanbul.
According to the materials of