The world's wealthy are encouraged by more realistic pricing in the residential market and an apathy that descended in 2011 seems to have disappeared, according to Alex Koch de Gooreynd, head of Knight Frank’s Swiss desk.
There has however, been an increase in demand for prime locations in Switzerland. Cologny, Collonge Bellerive, Geneva's old Town and Champel for example, remain the most sought after areas and, as is the case in London, they have been better placed to maintain their values.
News that some multinational companies have reduced staff numbers in the country has also had an impact on the type and number of buyers active in Switzerland. However, there has been an increase in the number of buyers relocating from emerging countries seeking a more secure environment for their families and to develop their business interests into the western markets.
“For 2013, expect this limited but positive demand to continue with realistic pricing remaining at the forefront of buyer's considerations and increasing choices available in the market”- he added.