Sweden: wooden skyscraper will be built in Stockholm

Sweden: wooden skyscraper will be built in Stockholm

The Swedes are going to build the tallest building in wood.

Builders and architects from Sweden continue to delight amazing ideas and the ability to apply the latest "green" technologies. Examples of such findings are a "hairy" skyscraper, producing energy from wind blew over him. Now, this series will join another architectural wonder. Skyscraper made entirely of wood will be built in Stockholm. If the plan is implemented, the 34-storey skyscraper will be the tallest wooden building in the world.

Sweden: wooden skyscraper will be built in Stockholm | Photo 1 | ee24

Despite the fact that the tree is a flammable material, the house will be completely fire-resistant thanks to the latest technology. Authors of the project argue that the wooden building will be stronger and more stable than built on steel or concrete construction skyscraper.

Sweden: wooden skyscraper will be built in Stockholm | Photo 2 | ee24

The building is not only environmentally friendly and safe for the environment, but also cheap. Construction of wooden skyscraper in Stockholm is cheaper from other similar building materials.