The most profitable Spanish cities on rental market

The most profitable Spanish cities on rental market

The most profitable Spanish city for property letting became Leyda (6.1% APR), followed by Zaragoza, Las Palmas and Alicante (4.7%). In the five most profitable cities were also Cuenca (4.6%) and Cordoba (4.5%).

According to the portal The Spanish Brick, renting real estate in Madrid (4.2%) and Barcelona (4.1%) will bring more revenue than in Rome (3.9%), but less than in Milan (4.4%). By comparison, Sydney (4.9%), Tokyo (4.5%) and New York (4.5%) were ahead of Spanish cities.

The lowest rate of return from the lease was recorded in the following cities in Spain: A Coruna (3%), Ourense, San Sebastian (both cities - 3.2%), Santander (3.3%) and Salamanca (3.5%).