The most expensive housing in Poland is located by the sea

The most expensive housing in Poland is located by the sea

Real Estate in Warsaw is not the most expensive in Poland. So, housing on a small Baltic resort of Jurata is worth 2 times more, reports citing 

Leisure on the Baltic Sea is still popular among Poles and guests of the Republic, though the weather in the summer season can be unpredictable. Square meter in Jurata is worth €3,673, in Krynica Morska - €2,265, in Sopot - €2,263, in Hel - €2,176. Compared with them Warsaw, where a square meter goes for €2,000, looks quite modest. Just like any other non-resort city in Poland: housing in Krakow costs €1,654 per sq.m, in Lublin - €1,160 per sq.m. 

Experts note that the high prices are due to the exclusivity of the resorts locations and lack of land for construction. This is especially true for narrow Hel peninsula, where Jurata is located.