70.8% of participants in the referendum to ban the sale of land in Lithuania to foreigners have supported this initiative. But the referendum itself was declared invalid: less than 15% of registered voters have come to the polls came instead of the required 50%, writes ee24.com citing delfi.lt.
Amendments to the Constitution, submitted to referendum, were aimed to ban foreigners from buying land. As it turned out, Lithuanians generally support such a measure. The organizers believe that the low participation is due to the seasonal factor: many people were on vacations. Opponents of the legislative ban argue that it is contrary to the requirements of the European Union.
In Vilnius, 11.5% of voters have voted, while Ignalina region bordering with Belarus showed the greatest activity of residents (23.8%). The organization of referendum have cost authorities in 13.5 million litas (€3.9 million).