The real value of all real estate in Lithuania - 71.2 billion euros

The real value of all real estate in Lithuania - 71.2 billion euros

All properties inLithuaniacost 71.2 billion euros (245.6 billion Lithuanian litas). Such data on the results of 2012 published by the State enterprise Centre of Registers, annually assessing housing in the Baltic country.

During the year the total market value of all real estate in Lithuania decreased by 178.7 million euro (616.5 million litas), or 0.25%. According to the study, 851000 apartments inLithuaniaare about 21.7 billion euros (74.9 billion litas). Individual houses inLithuania(2.3 million) are estimated at 21 billion euros (72.3 billion litas). The entire land bank of Lithuania, which currently consists of 2.1 million land properties, worth 17.6 billion euros (60.7 billion litas), which is 6.8% less than the 2011 estimates.