Number of fires increased in Lithuania due to cold winter

Number of fires increased in Lithuania due to cold winter

Largest Lithuanian insurance company Lietuvos draudimas reports about 2-3 fires a day, according to citing A lot of them happen due to cold winter. Trying to keep warm, people in villages light the fire, and residents of cities widely use heaters. Using affected chimneys and the overfreight an electric circuit often lead to fires.

Compared with the beginning of 2013, in first days of 2014 the number of fires in homes in Lithuania increased by 20%, and losses – by 50%. According to Artūras Juodeikis, Director of the department in the insurance company, the number of fires could be reduced by a third, if people had observed the basic safety rules.

To prevent fires, Juodeikis advices to sweep chimneys at least once in three months, and keep flammable liquids and objects far away from the furnaces.