Tuscany is Italian area with the highest concentration of architectural heritage. In recent years, regional authorities are increasingly talking about readiness to begin the sale of historical objects, which certainly raised a wave of protests.
Total authorities plan is to carry out the sale of property for € 650 million and to invest in the field of health care of the region and for the restoration of architectural monuments.
The main claim of the protesters is the fact that in the list of objects for sale, there are true values of Italian historical and architectural heritage: in particular, is a villa of the 16th century Fabbricotti where Pauline Bonaparte died, Bastogi famous palace and the famous Villa La Quiete in Florence. It is also considered the possibility of selling the former Tuscan psychiatric hospitals.
The main question is: where is the border between optimizing the financial situation of the region and the embezzlement of historical heritage of the country?

Based on materials of immobiliare.it
Photocredit immobiliare.it