Italy: Sting farms out the estate for weddings and parties at rock star price

Italy: Sting farms out the estate for weddings and parties at rock star price

British singer Sting opens the doors to its magnificent estate of the XVI century in Tuscany with copyright repair and three-meter statue of the Buddha for weddings and private parties. Prospective tenants need a budget of rock star to afford such luxury, reports Daily Mail.

The cost of accommodation is €7,000 per week. The tenant will get for the money one of the six cottages of estate. One building accommodates 50 people, and the territory of the estate is over 364 hectares. Here you can sample homemade wine, swim in the pool, dine in the wine cellar, play chess on a huge board in the garden and worship the statue of the Buddha.

British singer bought property in 1999. According to the assumptions of the British media, Sting and his wife Trudie Styler have decided to rent out the estate in the Chianti region because of high property taxes, which are established in Italy.