Immigrants are buying the entities in Florence, Milan and Prato

Immigrants are buying the entities in Florence, Milan and Prato

Immigrants became active in business in Italy. The number of small companies, owned by citizens from non-European countries, increased by 44% since April till June 2014. There are about 325,000 such companies in total in Italy, informs citing The Local and data from Unioncamere and Infocamere chambers of commerce.

Such rapid growth may be explained by the recession of the Italian economy and buying up companies for a pittance. Especially successful are citizens from Morocco owning 63,000 companies, from China (46,000 small entities in Italy), Albania (30,564 companies, especially in the construction sector) and Bangladesh (23,000, mainly tourism and communications).

Analysts point out that the majority of small businesses with foreign capital are located in Florence, Milan and the textile center of Tuscany – Prato.

In the photo: Old street of Milan