"Oligarch Oleg" from Kazakhstan cunningly robbed mansion of F1 heiress Petra Ecclestone

"Oligarch Oleg" from Kazakhstan cunningly robbed mansion of F1 heiress Petra Ecclestone

Mysterious Oleg, who calls himself a millionaire from Kazakhstan, robbed mansion F1 ("Formula 1") heiress in London. Crook posing as a tycoon wanted to see the house in London's prestigious Belgravia, owned by 24-year-old Petra Ecclestone, daughter of the famous tycoon and F1 president Bernie Ecclestone. The mansion put up for sale for £32 million (€37 million).

After the departure of the potential buyer it was found missing personal items of Petra Ecclestone. Rolex clock and diamond earrings were stolen. The total amount of loss is estimated at £500,000 (€576,000). She refused to declare the theft to the police and the insurance company for fear of bad publicity in the press, reports portal ee24.com with reference to the British media.

Theft took place in July 2013. According to some reports, the cunning thief spoke with an accent, more like that used the actor Sacha Baron Cohen in the movie "Borat" than at present Eastern European reprimand.

Recently, several realtors said that wealthy client from Kazakhstan visited the luxurious mansions in London, which put up for sale. The client called himself Oleg, wearing black glasses, came on the "Bentley" with a personal driver, and does not cause suspicion.