Several exhibitions at a run: Some trends in the real estate market

Several exhibitions at a run: Some trends in the real estate market

This fall portal has participated in five exhibitions, and only two are oncoming. Or better to say, two more fairs to get through. Everybody tired , but you have to pack up and move on. After all, two important Moscow projects are ahead - International Property Show (Tishinka, 15-16 November 2013) and Property Worldwide (Crocus Expo, 22-24 November 2013).

Despite the fact that the exhibition season is not closed, it is already possible to make some preliminary conclusions and identify trends. Probably the most important thing is that all the market with one voice say that the exhibition is slowly but surely fading down as a way to attract customers. Indeed, there is a smattering of potential customers, while more and more visitors just walk around and ask about "real estate in Liechtenstein". However, for many companies it's a success to find 1 or 2 clients on the exhibition . That's why fairs still exist, although, of course, they are not so vibrant as before.

For us, as for the web portal, the exhibition is, first of all, the place for coming together and getting to know each other. Only here, being in one of pavilions, you can talk with partners and listen customers. Most European agencies begin to think seriously about the Russian market as a prime. On every exhibition we meet companies who came "for the first time to find their bearings." It's important for us that the Internet as a way to find customers and promote properties and companies is slowly but surely coming to the fore. "Printed matter does not work anymore, it's waste of money," said one emotional partner at the show in St. Petersburg.

We saw a completely different market of Ukraine. "Back in the USSR" by The Beatles came to my mind when I saw this "Russia of the early 2000s". Overseas property market in Ukraine is surely under development yet: first agencies and professionals only appear, buyers are starting to realize all the advantages of investment in European posessions.

During this year exhibition we heard a lot of nice things. It's good that awareness grows among the partners of our portal. There is an increasing number of partners who put their properties in And the most important thing for us is: exhibitions once again proved that we are making everything right and our project is in demand by buyers.

There are two oncoming exhibitions in Moscow (one of them - on 1 Tishinskaya Sq. - has started on 15 November), it remains just a little time before Christmas and the New Year. Let events in November bring all of us new customers, see you in Moscow!

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