ee24 on the website ""

ee24 on the website ""

In July 2013 the leading information resource of the North-West region,, created a new rubric - "Foreign real estate". This is a joint project of the portal and

Every day reporters and editors of are preparing news, latest reviews of European real estate market. Announcements of news and articles are available to readers on the front page of the online newspaper and in the news feed. is one of Russian leading online newspapers. The daily audience of the project is more than 150,000 unique visitors. This is the most socially and financially active part of the audience. The majority of visitors is from St. Petersburg (over 70%), about 12% - from Moscow and the Moscow region.

Now the partners of had one more opportunity to effectively promote their offers on the Russian market. Earlier a similar rubric was opened on the website, "Delovoy Peterburg", one of the largest business information portals.

"Now readers of have an opportunity to be familiar with the latest news of real estate market and the current proposals, and our partners – to take advantage of the new channel to promote," said Anastasia Grishina, the head of the project

One of the objectives is to develop a highly efficient informational resource pool. In fact, partners gain access to the leading target of the Russian Internet sites by placing advertisements on the website