Scientists from the University of California (USA) found out that the wide-faced men, in contrast to the narrow-faced ones are the best in selling various goods, including real estate. Such people can easily negotiate alone, but if they are two, then they get worse, informs the, citing a study published in the Health Day magazine.
During one of the experiments, wide-faced man alone earned on selling by $2,200 more than the narrow-faced ones. They also managed to sell more expensive chemical plant and in case of its purchase - bargained a better price. In the third experiment, a pair of the wide and narrow-faced men had to find out a creative solution to close a real estate transaction, in this case, the narrow-faced were little more creative.
Having repeated the third experiment once more, in order to assess the attractiveness of men in pairs, the researchers noted that the most successful real estate transactions were conducted by the more attractive people (they were grouped alternately after a series of questions and selection) but the face width was not a crucial criteria.